Nokia 7900 Prism – Display screen captures users

Nokia 7900 Prism  – Display screen captures users

Nokia 7900 Prism is one of the peak designed phones introduced by Nokia. It has a diamond notch patters in the phone giving a dazzling and unique look to the phone So opt for this phone and observe the voodoo produced by the diamond groove patterns

Nokia 7900 Prism – Display screen captures users

Nokia 7900 Prism  – Display screen captures users

As the technologies are mounting day by day, family are also obtaining molded towards the highly developed gadgets If we speak of the motile phones, some distinguished mobile brands include Nokia and the troupe has a extensive span to select on One of the stylish models launched by Nokia is 7900 Prism This is an painfully stylish animated handset that pleases the eyes.

Design of 7900 Prism

The finished calibre of the ambulatory congeal is unbiased 11mm, which gives it a extraordinary alluring look When being embrace in the hands looks uncommonly striking. Talking of the refined dimensions, the hank of the handset is 112m and the breadth is 45mm, giving it a thumping rangy face The quota burden of the phone is 101g along with the volume of 55cc Not logical this, the show of the handset is OLED with sixteen million colors and 240 x 320 pixels

OLED Display Screens

OLED is the reduction for Organic illuminate emitting diodes, which has created a center of emphasis for numerous people. This is a extremely hi tech present screen and is comparatively much mend than the conventional displays The fabrication process of the OLED screens is remarkably feasible Moreover, these are remarkably irradiate and lean as compared to additional screens; this has made it other catchy among the new begetting This meritorious technology is being used in this beautifully designed handset so that it can provide a greater display. The elite measure of these OLED displays is that you do not want a backlight and the screen can be viewed from any feature One fresh benefit of these screens over the Liquefied Crystal Displays and conventional display technologies is that these screens retain thumping low strength consumption and drive voltage

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User Interface of the handset

The handset has five practice directing gloss to provide a improve interface to the users Moreover, the connections who dearth a mend represantation clarity and zooming capacity, there is nothingness much change than 7900 Prism It has a two mega pixel camera and 1 GB pet memory offering you an improved photo clarity and greater storage field to scullery the pictures