The New Edition of WebPosition Gold 2 is Finally Here!

The New Edition of WebPosition Gold 2 is Finally Here!

The NEW Edition of WebPosition Gold is Finally Here . And its new features make it renovate than ever!By Robin NoblesTypical of the professionalism of FirstPlace Software, they’vewaited to discharge W.

The New Edition of WebPosition Gold 2 is Finally Here!

The New Edition of WebPosition Gold 2 is Finally Here!

The NEW Edition of WebPosition Gold is Finally Here . . And its new features make it ameliorate than ever!By Robin NoblesTypical of the professionalism of FirstPlace Software, they’vewaited to unshackle WebPosition Gold 2 (http://wwwwebpositioncom)until all manageable bugs could be found and corrected, so it seemslike forever that we’ve been waiting for this free However,for those of us “die hard” Gold fans, the wait has been wellworth it.Let’s manage a express step through of the program and discuss myfavorite features as well as changes made in each province ReporterBy far my favorite plane of Gold, Reporter consign now data yourrankings across an impressive 85 world-wide pursuit engines anddirectoriesSome additional new and exciting features include:* You can now easily mail copies of the information to your clients,even going so far as to ZIP the file. * You can automatically upload reports to your Web site. * You can marmalade disk aperture by checking an possibility to except theactual downloaded page after the reports are generated * You can even drain out non-ranking keywords from the report,so that the information you send to your clients bequeath be even moreimpressive! * “Visibility Statistics” are now included at the finest of theConcise Summary Report that cede charter you perceive how many topranking pages you retain as well as further valuable statistics ?Under Options, you’re given the possibility of being courteous to eachengine by waiting a certain term of time between searchesPage GeneratorWhile reviewing this program, I created a few pages using PageGenerator, which is a feature of Gold 2 that helps you buildpages. This ration of Gold has gotten criticism in the former because theengines don’t scarcity to see “machine-generated” pages However,Gold 2’s Page Generator doesn’t create anything remotely”machine generated” You keep to effect the content, device thepage, and choose the keywords You cleverly engender the page fromwithin a form, fairly than on a blank HTML page. After creating one of the pages, I ran it through Page Critic,then submitted it through Inktomi’s fee inclusion program Withina pair of days, I was already seeing best 10 collision across manyof the engines Is the page a “doorway page”? Any page on your entire site isvirtually a start into your site Does the page provide valueto the Internet, and would it be interesting and valuable to Netusers? Yes. Page Generator impartial made it easier for me to createthe page Page CriticPage Critic is designed to look at your pages and offersuggestions in a variety of areas, such as period count, keywordprominence, keyword frequency, and keyword weight. Critic thenoffers specific suggestions that consign help you effect a page thatis recognized to the statistical averages of other finest classifying pagesfor that particular chase tool Under General Suggestions,you’ll find a running record of news, tips, and suggestions relatedto the appliance Here’s a neat new feature: Page Critic will now assessment your linkpopularity for whichever engine you’re working with. UnderSettings, check the container that says “Check Link Popularity” You’llthen see a empire above the General Suggestions that gives yourlink popularity for your site, and where you can also appraisal thelink popularity on competing sites, all from within the programUpload ManagerUpload Manager tracks any pages generated by Gold and uploadsthem, or more pages that may own changed since your lastupload. Upload Manager will upload the pages for you, or you canuse your posses FTP programSubmitterTo me, Submitter is a substantial program to use for the internationalengines or secondary important engines that don’t posses stipend inclusionprograms You can pick and choose which engines to proffer to, andif you try to charge too many pages on any one day, the programwill quickly remind you to retain you out of trouble.A neat new side of this program is its built-in spider forquickly mob URLs. The new Import preference commit spider a Website and effect a catalogue of all the URLs, even if the files do notexist on your tiring drive This facet positively makes submittingan finished Web site completely attainable Submitter further allows you to add custom engines that aren’tincluded in Gold 2, so you can keep alley of your submissions allin one locationTraffic AnalyzerHitsLink powers Gold 2’s Traffic Analyzer, and it entrust trackstatistics such as visitors, search engines, and the keywordsbeing used to find your site The side is feasible to use – yousimply register, and HitsLink generates the charter for you to puton any page that you need to track. Stats are provided instantlyand in veritable timeSchedulerProgram Scheduler to run your reports or advance pages at a timethat’s convenient for you, like at night during non-workinghours Did you know there’s a brand new tale out on how to useWebPosition Gold 2? Search Engine Optimization with WebPosition Gold 2, written byBrad Konia, is an admireable step-by-step record in how to useWebPosition Gold 2. The tale is now available through Amazon andBarnes & Noble. I had the opportunity to review the tale andfound it to provide superb report on how to the use theprogram as well as SEO strategies in generalBrad has also developed a new cd tutorial for using Gold 2,which is available as both a download or on CD-ROM The cd isavailable on Brad’s Web site: http://MarketMySite.comIn ConclusionI really like what FirstPlace has done with this new version ofGold (http://wwwwebpositioncom) As in the past, WebPositionGold cede remain one of my favorite and most used programs in myarsenal of quest engine marketing softwareFor a oblique of the new features of WebPosition Gold 2, visit:http://www.webpositioncom/wpg2upgradehtm.Copyright 2002 Robin Nobles All rights reserved .

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